-Misfit UNIQUELY Wedding-
(up for changes/update.. any takers?)
Hu's wedding: Min
Held at: -
Wedding Attire: Kain pelikat(for him), kain batik(for her)
Hantaran: Kain pelikat, kain batik..
Hu's wedding: Hana
Held at: Operating theater
Pelamin: The Operating theater table
Wedding Attire: OT gown
Hantaran: iv drip, OT equipmt, sterile gloves, mask
Hu's wedding: Lin
Held at: -
Pelamin: Under the waterfall
Wedding Attire: Raincoat
Hantaran: Umbrella
Hu's wedding: Aini
Held at: Swimming complex
Pelamin: The swimming pool
Wedding Attire: Swimming costume(for her), Swimming trunk(for him)
Hantaran: swimming cap, goggles
Hu's wedding: Dewi
Held at: -
Pelamin: -
Wedding Attire: Telekong(for her), kain(for him)
Hantaran: sejadah, tasbir..
Hu's wedding: Shafa
Held at: -
Pelamin: Katil
Wedding Attire: Nite gown(for her), boxer(for him)
Hantaran: bantal, cadar, sleeping shoes
Hu's wedding: Farz
Held at: Jalan Besar Stadium
Pelamin: the goalpost
Wedding Attire: White jersey(for both)
Hantaran: boots, shinguard, soccer socks.
All are welcome..
Food: Bring ur own food, as NO food will b provided.
N der'll b a 'Tabung amal perkahwinan misfit' outside each wedding.. Thnkew..
PS: minta maap ye kalo tersinggung perasaan ker.... kite bergurau jek..
Friday, August 25, 2006
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Dear Misfitz...
lets just ignore this immatured boy. Mature-minded man dont say those kinda words. Dun bother to waste ur energy to be angry and take unnecessary actions.
We are in Poly to study, learn to work, get our diploma, and pursue our career and future. Kalau niat budak tu nak kutuk2 orang, satu hari past akan terbalas juga...
Dear Shafawati,
Selagi seseorang itu mempunyai sifat2 yg sempurna, dia memang sudah lawa disisi Allah. Bagi mereaka yg kurang sifatnya, sesungguhnya dia seseorang yang istimewa di sisi Allah.
Cuma ada sesetengah orang yang cukup sifat fizikal tapi kurang sifat hati yang bersih...
Bob, something for you to ponder.... one day will remember these words...
RASULULLAH SAW bersabda : "Orang mukmin sejati itu bukan pencela, bukan pengutuk, bukan jahat dan bukan pula cabul (suka berkata yang tidak sopan) " (HR.Muslim)
Ibnu Umar RA berkata : "Manusia yang paling dibenci oleh Allah SWT adalah orang yang suka memaki dan mengutuk". Sebagian ulama juga bertutur : "Mengutuk orang mukmin sama dengan membunuhnya".
Abu Daud RA.meriwayatkan dari Abi Darda RA, bahwa Rasulullah SAW. bersabda : "Bila seorang hamba mengutuk sesuatu, maka kutukan itu naik ke langit tapi pintu langit tertutup. Lalu ia turun ke bumi tapi pintu bumi pun tertutup. Kemudian kutukan itu pun bergerak ke kanan dan ke kiri. Saat ia tidak menemukan jalan keluar atau jalan masuk maka kutukan itu kembali kepada orang yang dikutuk jika memang ia pantas untuk dikutuk. Jika tidak maka kutukan itu kembali ketuannya (orang yang mengucapkannya)" ( HR.Bukhari dan Ibnu Hajar ).
lets just ignore this immatured boy. Mature-minded man dont say those kinda words. Dun bother to waste ur energy to be angry and take unnecessary actions.
We are in Poly to study, learn to work, get our diploma, and pursue our career and future. Kalau niat budak tu nak kutuk2 orang, satu hari past akan terbalas juga...
Dear Shafawati,
Selagi seseorang itu mempunyai sifat2 yg sempurna, dia memang sudah lawa disisi Allah. Bagi mereaka yg kurang sifatnya, sesungguhnya dia seseorang yang istimewa di sisi Allah.
Cuma ada sesetengah orang yang cukup sifat fizikal tapi kurang sifat hati yang bersih...
Bob, something for you to ponder.... one day will remember these words...
RASULULLAH SAW bersabda : "Orang mukmin sejati itu bukan pencela, bukan pengutuk, bukan jahat dan bukan pula cabul (suka berkata yang tidak sopan) " (HR.Muslim)
Ibnu Umar RA berkata : "Manusia yang paling dibenci oleh Allah SWT adalah orang yang suka memaki dan mengutuk". Sebagian ulama juga bertutur : "Mengutuk orang mukmin sama dengan membunuhnya".
Abu Daud RA.meriwayatkan dari Abi Darda RA, bahwa Rasulullah SAW. bersabda : "Bila seorang hamba mengutuk sesuatu, maka kutukan itu naik ke langit tapi pintu langit tertutup. Lalu ia turun ke bumi tapi pintu bumi pun tertutup. Kemudian kutukan itu pun bergerak ke kanan dan ke kiri. Saat ia tidak menemukan jalan keluar atau jalan masuk maka kutukan itu kembali kepada orang yang dikutuk jika memang ia pantas untuk dikutuk. Jika tidak maka kutukan itu kembali ketuannya (orang yang mengucapkannya)" ( HR.Bukhari dan Ibnu Hajar ).
Thursday, August 03, 2006
dear beloved misfits...
some of u might be angry and hurt by this 'bob's words....
I hope u all wont take it too hard or react harshly...
yup, its his feelings and he chose to say it out loud....
i'll take this opportunity to remind myself and ourselves...
whiceher way ppl appeared, its all is God's creation,
Assuming u believe in God,
critsizing about others appearance is just like critisizing God's creation.
Sinful isnt it...?
the special thing about this 'sin' that its ONLY forgivable by apologising...
Assuming that you dont believe in God,
how about ppl say that to you in front of everyone....?
Ouch isnt it?
Ponder over it... Bob...
The misfits may not be beauties in everyone's eyes,
but at least the have beautiful 'akhlak' and kind soul....
They may be doing the most dirtiest job on earth but
all of them has a noble heart that no everyone has...
Each of us has our own identity...
and each of you all are unique...
tudung or not,
make up or not,
u all groom well...
with your own identity...
Im proud of it...
as a brother proud of his sisters
as a father proud seeing his daughters
So Bob,
no harm apologising if your conscience is clear...
these girls are kind enough to forgive you...
I promise you...
some of u might be angry and hurt by this 'bob's words....
I hope u all wont take it too hard or react harshly...
yup, its his feelings and he chose to say it out loud....
i'll take this opportunity to remind myself and ourselves...
whiceher way ppl appeared, its all is God's creation,
Assuming u believe in God,
critsizing about others appearance is just like critisizing God's creation.
Sinful isnt it...?
the special thing about this 'sin' that its ONLY forgivable by apologising...
Assuming that you dont believe in God,
how about ppl say that to you in front of everyone....?
Ouch isnt it?
Ponder over it... Bob...
The misfits may not be beauties in everyone's eyes,
but at least the have beautiful 'akhlak' and kind soul....
They may be doing the most dirtiest job on earth but
all of them has a noble heart that no everyone has...
Each of us has our own identity...
and each of you all are unique...
tudung or not,
make up or not,
u all groom well...
with your own identity...
Im proud of it...
as a brother proud of his sisters
as a father proud seeing his daughters
So Bob,
no harm apologising if your conscience is clear...
these girls are kind enough to forgive you...
I promise you...
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