Friday, November 10, 2006

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sydney darling harbour
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pakcik trying to steal a train
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Thursday, November 09, 2006

Its juz shocking and sad to read all these in Sydney.

Not everyone can understand each other feelings.. true... i admit...

but if dat person cant understand you, dont ever think that he/she will neva understand u thus a reason for the frenship to crumble.

look here all of you. 7 of us, 7 background, 7 perangai. That's normal. We are human. There is nothing wrong if A understand B more than C in a group... so C shouldnt feel left out and B shouldnt feel that C WONT understand and the rest shouldnt feel that there is sub-cliques.

They are still in ONE group.

BUT please! if you cant afford to do anything to repair this tattered frenship... dont ever further destroy it.

I thanks lin for wanting to organise the raya outing. Im sorri that i cant join you all. And i have said AWAL2 that i have to go for my shooting or im as good as being fired. U all are welcome to raya at my house on that friday. But it is so sad that this year only 3 of misfits make that effort going to visit EACH OTHER despite my absence. I dont expect the rest to explain their reasons why. That day is over by the way.

I did my best to be neutral and tactful as possible to solve this. I cant work alone. IF only ALL AND EACH SINGLE ONE OF YOU play your part. We can start afresh once again.

I repeat... EACH AND SINGLE ONE OF YOU out there.

Ask you heart. DO YOU STILL WANT MISIFTS to exist...

no point pretend and hiding that answer.... just say it out here. this blog is ours.. remember?

~your dear pakcik

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

There has been problems between us.. What was the triggering factors remain unknown.. Bitching behind each other... drifting apart day by day... division starts appearing... outing together was limited..

But yet when we see each other.. Everyone pretend that nothing happens and tat things were normal... Strange...

Insensitive remarks were thrown around and we were not what we used to be... things mellowed down now but yet each and everyone of us knows that the cracks existed...

I guess everyone is sick and tired of doing anything to heal the cracks...

To sae that i started everything would be unfair to me and i shall not discount myself because EVERYONE plays a part in making a friendship work... I guess we have stopped trying to play a part in our friendship..

Sometimes honesty hurts me but after thinking everything through and rationalizing everything.. i am ready to face honesty and truth..

Frankly i dun think i have ever been a good friend to any of you nor have i being anywhere near a bad friend to any of you.. I guess my major flaw are that i being very sensitive and i refuse to open up.. This creates a barrier between me and anybody around me... I blame no one but myself...

However i guess i am slowly redeeming myself and has began to open up... open up not to anyone but shafa and hana... they provide me with the security and assurance that they wun judge me and they listen...

Dewi once told me " nt everyone is really comfortable with each other. yes we all can share laughters & stuffs. but it isnt the same when sharing feelings, tots & secrets..." Thinking through her words i realise yeah it is true.. i guess i was just being naive to think that we could all share thoughts together.. and so i grow out of it.. I shall not torture myself anymore wanting all the MISFITS to share each other thoughts and secrets..
I am sorry Misfits for expecting that from all of you.. Thanks you to shafa and hana for being my confidant.. I appreciate it alot..

It is no longer a secret that there exist cliques between us..
clique 1: Shafa, lynn & hana
clique 2: Dewi, aini & farz
All of us know it and it is happening... It is nobody fault that we all end up this way...

Hey this will sound childish..haha! I guess what is bothering is that dewi, aini & farz dun ask us along to any of your outings whereas we do ask you all to join us... i guess maybe you all doubt our sincerity and you all may thought that we ask you all just for the sake of askin.. well heck No.. when we ask you all it means we wan you to join us.. Childish right...?

Well i do not know why is it this way and i just dun understand... So is it the time for us to stop asking each other out....

and this is my confession...
Ever since what has happen between all of us.. i grew uncomfortable with Dewi, Aini & farz.. i suppose you all could sense my indifference towards you all.. I am sorry but that is how i feel.. i cannot talk comfortably with you nor am i able to show you my sincere smile... I feel hurt inside... as long as the hurt is still there my indifference remain..
dun get me wrong.. i am not saying i do not want to be frens with you anymore but rather i need time to heal just like all of you.. i guess this holiday is a good time for it...

Sorry for being Emo cause i know you dun like but this is how i am.. emotional over things...

But hey... i didnt mean that we cannot go out during the holidays together... do hope we could still go out together once in awhile...

Entry by : Nooradlin Marina

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

dear misfits....

Pakcik apologise for my 'detachment' with you all these few days.... let me assure you that pakcik has no intention of abadoning or ignoring you girls. This juz temporary...i promise....

Times have been tough for me. I havent got a chance to share it with anyone and also dowanna interrupt your preparation. That is why i prefer to be in my solitude space and times.

people say... take it one at a time... but it all come at one shot... honestly pakcik unable to give 100% for my exam this semester.

Wanted to reali chill outwith you guyz and pour it out after exam but by then pakcik dah fly to Sydney.

Pakcik banyak2 minta maaf coz tak dapat jalan beraya with you all. Pakick harap jangan lah kerana pakcik korang tak jalan beraya. Walau tak dapat beraya, i reali wish that at least we can have a small raya gathering together. at least we bawak kuih2 and have lunch ke.... I leave it to you guyz...

Thats my wish.... and im left with onli 3 days......

I will be missing you girls....

Saturday, October 14, 2006

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Can't you see me? Cause I feel like you can't. Am I invinsible or something? Its not that I want attention but I feel outcasted somehow. Don't know about the others but its seems that you seem to treat me a certain way. Like you don't even know me. Do you have something against me? Did I take something or someone away from you? You got to tell me. If you don't, its just going to bother me everytime I see you.
You know who you are.
Its been 3 years since we all know each other and I feel that it took 3 years for everyone to show who they really are. Some are pleasant while some are not so. As for me, I know I changed. But I also know that I didn't change to be bad but good. Sometimes I just wonder If I wasn't part of the Misfits how would my life be? Better? Or worse? I guess I will never know.
Talking about cliques. I guess some still wanna stay that way cause I don't see much of a change. Honestly Min, I really don't know how long it will last. It may end tomorrow or it may never even end at all! I will not be surprised.
Anyway Misfits, Selamat berpuasa.

Monday, September 25, 2006

its juz feel so warm in my heart seeing all of us coming together again.... celebrating birthdays... i see no cliques no more.. prove me wrong aite... i onli see ONE GROUP OF MISFITS last friday...

dah start posa dah... pakcik nak ucapkan selamat menjalani ibadah ini dengan penuh keimanan dan kesabaran... (especially to myself)

Nak mintak ampon ler kat koghang. takot tak sempat time ghayo nanti. Pakcik ler yg antara paling banyak dos agaknya... Nyakat tiap2 koghang hari plak tu.. no worri pakcik dah gi Aussie takedoghang nak kacau koghang untuk lebih sebulan...

koghang take care eh....
Looking fowards to buka posa bersama as ONE MISFITS on wednesday.. jangan tak jadi tau...

Pakcik @ pimp koghang...

Friday, August 25, 2006

-Misfit UNIQUELY Wedding-
(up for changes/update.. any takers?)

Hu's wedding: Min
Held at: -
Wedding Attire: Kain pelikat(for him), kain batik(for her)
Hantaran: Kain pelikat, kain batik..

Hu's wedding: Hana
Held at: Operating theater
Pelamin: The Operating theater table
Wedding Attire: OT gown
Hantaran: iv drip, OT equipmt, sterile gloves, mask

Hu's wedding: Lin
Held at: -
Pelamin: Under the waterfall
Wedding Attire: Raincoat
Hantaran: Umbrella

Hu's wedding: Aini
Held at: Swimming complex
Pelamin: The swimming pool
Wedding Attire: Swimming costume(for her), Swimming trunk(for him)
Hantaran: swimming cap, goggles

Hu's wedding: Dewi
Held at: -
Pelamin: -
Wedding Attire: Telekong(for her), kain(for him)
Hantaran: sejadah, tasbir..

Hu's wedding: Shafa
Held at: -
Pelamin: Katil
Wedding Attire: Nite gown(for her), boxer(for him)
Hantaran: bantal, cadar, sleeping shoes

Hu's wedding: Farz
Held at: Jalan Besar Stadium
Pelamin: the goalpost
Wedding Attire: White jersey(for both)
Hantaran: boots, shinguard, soccer socks.

All are welcome..
Food: Bring ur own food, as NO food will b provided.
N der'll b a 'Tabung amal perkahwinan misfit' outside each wedding.. Thnkew..


PS: minta maap ye kalo tersinggung perasaan ker.... kite bergurau jek..

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Dear Misfitz...

lets just ignore this immatured boy. Mature-minded man dont say those kinda words. Dun bother to waste ur energy to be angry and take unnecessary actions.

We are in Poly to study, learn to work, get our diploma, and pursue our career and future. Kalau niat budak tu nak kutuk2 orang, satu hari past akan terbalas juga...

Dear Shafawati,

Selagi seseorang itu mempunyai sifat2 yg sempurna, dia memang sudah lawa disisi Allah. Bagi mereaka yg kurang sifatnya, sesungguhnya dia seseorang yang istimewa di sisi Allah.

Cuma ada sesetengah orang yang cukup sifat fizikal tapi kurang sifat hati yang bersih...

Bob, something for you to ponder.... one day will remember these words...

RASULULLAH SAW bersabda : "Orang mukmin sejati itu bukan pencela, bukan pengutuk, bukan jahat dan bukan pula cabul (suka berkata yang tidak sopan) " (HR.Muslim)

Ibnu Umar RA berkata : "Manusia yang paling dibenci oleh Allah SWT adalah orang yang suka memaki dan mengutuk". Sebagian ulama juga bertutur : "Mengutuk orang mukmin sama dengan membunuhnya".

Abu Daud RA.meriwayatkan dari Abi Darda RA, bahwa Rasulullah SAW. bersabda : "Bila seorang hamba mengutuk sesuatu, maka kutukan itu naik ke langit tapi pintu langit tertutup. Lalu ia turun ke bumi tapi pintu bumi pun tertutup. Kemudian kutukan itu pun bergerak ke kanan dan ke kiri. Saat ia tidak menemukan jalan keluar atau jalan masuk maka kutukan itu kembali kepada orang yang dikutuk jika memang ia pantas untuk dikutuk. Jika tidak maka kutukan itu kembali ketuannya (orang yang mengucapkannya)" ( HR.Bukhari dan Ibnu Hajar ).

Thursday, August 03, 2006

dear beloved misfits...

some of u might be angry and hurt by this 'bob's words....
I hope u all wont take it too hard or react harshly...
yup, its his feelings and he chose to say it out loud....

i'll take this opportunity to remind myself and ourselves...

whiceher way ppl appeared, its all is God's creation,

Assuming u believe in God,
critsizing about others appearance is just like critisizing God's creation.
Sinful isnt it...?
the special thing about this 'sin' that its ONLY forgivable by apologising...

Assuming that you dont believe in God,
how about ppl say that to you in front of everyone....?
Ouch isnt it?

Ponder over it... Bob...

The misfits may not be beauties in everyone's eyes,
but at least the have beautiful 'akhlak' and kind soul....
They may be doing the most dirtiest job on earth but
all of them has a noble heart that no everyone has...
Each of us has our own identity...
and each of you all are unique...
tudung or not,
make up or not,
u all groom well...
with your own identity...
Im proud of it...
as a brother proud of his sisters
as a father proud seeing his daughters

So Bob,
no harm apologising if your conscience is clear...
these girls are kind enough to forgive you...
I promise you...


Monday, July 31, 2006

(the most memorable post I ever posted!)-FarZ
We started wif tis:

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Our 1st Nurses' Dae, wen we'r ALL still INNOCENT..

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N we'r so SMANGAT to go airport at 6AM!

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N tis is OUR 1st CLass outing to Sentosa..

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n our Lin & Aini were still BESFREN 4eva..

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N dewi still look baby-ish n farz step specky...

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Wen Hana is soo sporty n Shafa looks soo nerdy..

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N Min still look YOUNG... (haha)

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& our CRAZY moment wif a 'stranger'

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our visit wen Min got hospitalised.

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N tis is OUR 1st class BBQ..

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ANother pic of e 1st class bbq..

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ANd we'r ALL so hapie n cheerful~

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& NUTING cud ever make us FROWN..

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N our 1st outing to e Seoul Garden..

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Our crazy 'effect' pic..

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n e hands of MISFITs

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And even wen borednes sumtimes KILLS..

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ANother bored pic..

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We'r still e Misfits..

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& another yr past again..

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We'r still as HOT as RED~

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And Tis is our 1st chaletz..

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We STILL nvr fail to put on a smile on our face..

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And we get seriously CRAZY!

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N sumtimes mayb soo EVIL-lish

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N yet, our PIMP save e dae..

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N tis is our 1st n very OWN misfit beraye..

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N den.. e yr3 wich is FULL of HELL..

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N TIS is OUR LAST outing.. Without Min..

N tts HOW our story goes..

Saturday, July 08, 2006

long time neva rite...

one week has passed. And we have recieved each of our task and burden for the next few weeks. ICA, CBL, ttrl, lab assesment nursing project.

Pakcik looking foward to working together with you all. As we would expect, the stress level will and have escalate. For those who know and have worked with pakcik, u may have anticipate my changes in my behaviour anytime soon.

Just need a small favour from you all... remind me to smile whenever u see me frowning....

Thank You...

* I wanna to take pic with u all at the grad ceremony one year from now....

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Slogan Generator: Muqsit

1.Just Do Muqsit. (wahh he can b done??)

2.Look, Ma, No Muqsit! (yeahh check.. No muqsit.. im Sadd..)

3.Think Muqsit.(cool.. im thinkngg!!)

4.When You've Got Muqsit, Flaunt It. (orite i shall!!)

5.Melts In Your Muqsit, Not In Your Hand. (ok.. *melts away*)

6.A Muqsit A Day Helps You Work, Rest and Play. (wahhh tts gddd!)

7.Is It Live, Or Is It Muqsit? (its MUQSITT!!!)

8.Prolongs Active Muqsit. (ermmm.. hahaha!)

9.Now with 50% more Muqsit! (wahhhh I wann.. gr8 sg sale now on!!)

10.Don't You Just Love Being In Muqsit? (kinkyyyy!!!!)

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Currently, Its e EMOs vs e non-EMOs..
--Not dat its a disease outbreak or a terrorist attack (wich cud strike ANITIME, ANYWHERE, ANYONE)-- hahaa!
(warning tis is e MOZ explicit content.. READ but Plz dun b MORE emo)-FArz

Okok.. e point here i wanna clarify is I seriously, sincerely truly felt tt WE r not as united as b4.. Now its lyk more to e EMOs vs non-EMOs...
Well, i juz felt tt der's 'spaceS' btwn us now.. as in - S - P - A - C - E - S -
We communicate LESS now.. we had lesser 'outings' together..
Juz look at our break time.. Mayb last time its an excuse lar cos we got projects to do.. BUT now??????
Its either sum1 absent or sum1 not talking to e WHOLE of us but onli one of us(making thier own lil conversation).. its sooo seems tt we had been SPLIT! n wen cums to outing.. e reasons is 'oh sorry im werking' or 'oh u didnt inform me' or 'oh i gg out wif my frens'
N worst wen u talk to sum1 OUTSIDE e 'misfit' gang.. u seems MUCH more happier den u r talking to us.. *doesnt tt make us feel @#%^&&*
I dunnoe.. i juz feel e COLDNESS btwn us now..

Im not saying tt imm perfect or tt im a HAPPIE-GO-LUCKY kinda girl OR I had NO probs at ALL..
evry1 has probs.. sum MAY choooooose to hide it..
((Of corz.. i got LOTS of probs at hme.. regarding financial probs.. *tts e reason WHY i dun wanna spent lotsa money and HAD to b a CHEAPSKATE!!!*))

but e ting is IF U had problems, u can shaRE wif us ryt??! Mayb we can help ABIT? N stop saying 'we DUN understand' wen u DIDNT even tell us ur probs!!..
But den again, its UP to INDIVIDUAL to either tell ur probs ryt?.. BUT e ting tt irritates me mos is... if u dun wanna tell ur PROBS den WHY let ur EMO out on us???????... if u tink we CANT help.. den wats e point of us being FRENS??????????!!!!!!! or one ting.. "DO u reali regard us as ur fren?"

Look, mayb im stilll immature or YOUNG n dun understand ADULT's probs.. but hey.. ders olways a SOLUTION to EVRY PROBLEMs..
Mayb tinking POSITIVE abit will do.. n not to tink tt EVRYTING had gone DOWN n tt it WONT goes up again...

Of corz we CRITISIsE or mayb secara tidak spontan HURTS u deep dwn.. but hey.. dun take it tooooo hard..
((U guys too did hurts me.. esp wen u guys sae im a cheapskate.. baju beli kat tis fashion etc wateva nots...)) but i didnt take it TOOO hard n CREATE more PROBS..
e ting is U tink TOOOOOO much abt ur probs tt U tink tt DERS no SOluTION at all..
Der's olways help-line available.. or u cud talk to ur other frens if u wan to.. SO im saying is tt.. Plzzz dun b soo emo..

N PLEASE dun let ur EMOTION control u..

PS: sorri if tis post hurtz u.. BUT it hurts me more if u reallli wanna knoe!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

GuESs WhO!!!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Our lovely memories~

Our veteranz

1st dae of yr2, sem 2