Tuesday, August 23, 2005

THE BLOODY *toot* DAY..... a.k.a *toot* the SCOOT
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I know sumthing not gonna be right today when i forgot abt a grp meeting while i was having my lunch at home. Ironically i was the one who reminded them abt the meeting today last sunday.


Drizzling but such a cool weather for a ride. Donning my Nike Jacket, hop onto the scooter and tutututututooooooooot......

Juz after the flyover, wanna ram the throttle when "tutututututooooooooopramprambushbooosh!"


Electric starter nor Kickstart.......... useless!


Officially pronounced dead. Cursing and swearing in the rain. Tried to call a few of my frenz but failed. Finally got hold of hana and melissa....


NO CHOICE.. final decision made. pushed all the way to Braddle Workshop. Drenched!


a few other bike there too... had to wait my turn. i gotta admit i NEVA opened the engine ever since i passed my 2B. Well at least i cant open the engine at CTE otr i juz gonna drown the engine with water,,,,,,


Situation was exactly like A&E except that its for bikes. So now its my bike turn... wait and wait and wait...


Damn! i juz realized that i got appoint with makcik and visit Lin! PRob still havent solve!!! All method tried but makcik still disappointed........ well..... 2 weeks neva meet and gotto wait for another....


AT LAST! and guess what! the problem is......



its too basic to be a blunder! and all its cost was $5+

$5 that caused me to be drenched, missed my prac and 2 lectures and visit to my sick fren and my project meeting and my 'long overdue' date!

*tooot* the scoot....

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