Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Revision: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
Definition: The tendency for one's expectations to evoke behaviour in others that confirms the expectations.
-> behaves in a way tt cause smtg to come true

for example:
- You think that your friend purposely exclude you out from an outing.
- So you will behave towards your friend in a way that's consistent with your theory which is exclude him/her out from your outing.
- Your friend responds to your behaviour in a similar manner -> since you didnt invite him/her along, he/she also will not invite you.
- When this happen, you see your friend's behaviour as proof that your expectancy was right. you dont realise the role you played in causing your friend's response.

Dont make assumption/s about ppl. It will only cause conflicts & misunderstandings.

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